Jeffrey W. McClurken is Professor of History and American Studies, Vice President of Strategy, and Chief of Staff to the President at the University of Mary Washington. He also oversees the Office of Events, the Department of Information Technologies, and University Communications. He previously served as Department Chair of History and American Studies and as the Special Assistant to the Provost for Teaching, Technology, and Innovation where he oversaw the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies and the Digital Knowledge Center. His PhD in American History is from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. McClurken’s research areas include the history of the Civil War, veterans, families, the Pinkertons, mental institutions, the 19th-Century American South, and the digital humanities. His book, Take Care of the Living: Reconstructing the Confederate Veteran Family in Virginia, was published by the University of Virginia Press in 2009. The Princeton Review named him one of The Best 300 Professors in 2012 and his lectures and classes have been featured on C-SPAN and NPR’s With Good Reason. He was the 2014 Teaching with Technology winner of the Virginia State Council of Higher Education’s Outstanding Faculty Award. Dr. McClurken has written essays for the Chronicle of Higher Education’s ProfHacker column and the US Department of Education-funded site, and has published articles related to teaching with technology in Hack the Academy, A Different Kind of Web, Learning through Digital Media, and the Journal of the Association of History and Computing. He regularly runs workshops on teaching with technology for faculty at other institutions and at national and international conferences. Dr. McClurken was co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Ellen Holmes Pearson) on the Mellon Foundation grant, Digital Liberal Arts at a Distance: COPLACDigital. He sits on the review board for the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy and is the Digital History Reviews editor for the Journal of American History, the flagship journal in the field. He co-chairs the inaugural Digital History Working Group for the American Historical Association. In 2020-2022, he co-led UMW’s COVID-19 response. He also led Virginia’s Public Higher Education COVID Director Working Group from November 2020 through December 2022. His work and teaching can be found at