University of Mary Washington
NITLE Webinar on Teaching DH 101
December 16, 2011
Jeffrey McClurken 

  1. Adventures in Digital History — HIST 471C3
    1. 2008 Course Site
    2. 2010 Course Site
  2. Class components
    1. 2010 Class Syllabus
    2. Sample Group Contract
  3. 2008 Projects
    1. Historical Markers Project
    2. UMW Alumni Project
    3. James Farmer Project
    4. James Monroe Papers Project
  4. 2010 Class & Projects
    1. UMW Images Project
    2. Life and Legacy of Mary Ball Washington
    3. James Monroe’s Letters as Minister to France
    4. City of Hospitals: Fredericksburg in the Civil War
  5. Key aspects
    1. “digital toolbox” for students to use – UMWBlogs (WordPress), Omeka, Simile/Timeline (now also available as a WordPress plugin), basic video/audio editing tools, YouTube, Flickr.
    2. Role of institutional tech support – UMW’s Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies (DTLT)
  6. Next iteration in Spring 2012 – Site currently in progress